Monday, December 12, 2011

How to change a clutch?

The procedures are fairly similar but vary some for different cars. Basically you support the engine, remove the transmission, bell housing and clutch plate. Then you inspect the flywheel to determine if it needs work. If so you remove it and have it surfaced. You then replace the flywheel, the pilot bearing, throw out bearing, clutch disk, Pressure plate, bell housing and transmission. That isn't step by step as it varies some from one car to another. You really shouldn't attempt it with out a book and some prior knowledge/expertise.How to change a clutch?
for real?

Its a pain in the butt.

You need to find a guide for your car (that will give you instructions you can find them at your local auto store averageing about $20-28) and it would be most helpful if you had a lift otherwise you will add about 1.5 hours just from having to go under and out so many times. (on average 3 hours with a full garage to your disposal.)

Pay a professional especially if you don't have anyone to check your work you could do more damage than good.

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